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Full Treatment Includes:
Step 1 Cleanse face with a dime-size amount of the “Facial Wash”; rinse off with warm water then dry with a soft towel.
Step 2 Moisten facial cotton with the “Facial Toner”; sweep all over the entire face & neck.
Step 3 Skin Relief - Apply skin relief all over face and neck everyday follow up with your favorite sunscreen
Step 1 Cleanse face with a dime-size amount of the “Facial Wash”; rinse off with warm water then dry with a soft towel.
Step 2 Moisten facial cotton with the “Facial Toner”; rub all over the entire face & neck.
Step 3 Apply Alpha-Hydroxy all over the face, before going to bed. (Alpha-Hydroxy will only be applied at NIGHT, will not be rinsed off)